The Trustees

A Trustee is appointed by a Sponsor to represent the Sponsor’s interests to the Trust and actively serve to further the Mission of the Trust.

George Hatfield


George Hatfield is the current President of the WOCT.  He graduated with honors from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a Bachelor of Science in Plant and Soil Science. George is the founder of Hatfield Orchids which was established in 1999. George served as President of the American Orchid Society 2016 – 2018. George received the Hudlow Trophy from the Cymbidium Society of America recognizing his achievements in Cymbidium hybridizing. 

John Varigos


John Varigos is the current President-Elect of the WOCT.  He is also Co-Chair and Director of the Australian Orchid Foundation, & Senior Research Fellow, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne. Australia. Has been growing orchids for more than 40 years with a focus on species orchids. In addition to his role with the AOF, he is President of the Orchid Species Society of Victoria & for 10 years Vice President of the Australasian Native Orchid Society (Victoria). For the past 20 years has travelled to many places around the world exploring and photographing orchids in situ. He is professionally trained as a pharmacologist and is involved in managing clinical trials of new drugs for the prevention and treatment of heart disease.

Dennis Kao


Dennis Kao (Chi-Ching Kao) is the current Secretary of the WOCT.  He is also President of both the Asia Pacific Orchid Conference Trustee (APOC) and the Taiwan Paphiopedilum Society (TPS). He was a past President of the Taiwan Orchid Growers Association (TOGA). Dennis graduated from National Taiwan University with a Master's degree in Horticulture Science. He has had the fortunate opportunity to judge in many international shows. 

He acquired his fascination and appreciation for orchids from his father, Shui-En Kao. The genera he most favors and forms the basis of his breeding program are the Paphiopedilums and Cattleyas.  

Dennis always looks forward to visiting old friends and meeting new acquaintances. These occasions allow him to see outstanding collections and the possibility to acquire nice varieties and new species of orchids.

William Riley, PhD  (AOS)

Dr. William Riley is the current Treasurer of the WOCT. Previously, he served the American Orchid Society as a Trustee, Secretary, and Chair of various committees. He has been awarded the Society’s prestigious Silver Medal twice for his leadership and organizational skills. He and his wife are AOS-accredited judges whose orchids have received many AOS awards. Professionally, he was a medical microbiologist, molecular biologist and immunologist. Since retiring, he has focused on other lifelong interests, including environmental conservation and habitat restoration.

Clare Hermans, MD


Dr. Clare Hermans is the Hardy Orchid Society delegate to the European Orchid Council and has been an EOC Board member since 2013. Having recently served as the Chairman of the Royal Horticultural Society Orchid Committee she now serves as a Vice-Chair. She is a Fellow of the Linnean Society, and a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) Orchid Specialist Group. She is an accredited RHS Show Judge and has participated in orchid events around the world.

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